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Reset Your Life in 21 Days


🙌 RESET YOUR LIFE IN 21 DAYS 🙌 💪 Would you like to get into great shape? 💚 Would you like to improve your all-round health? 🥰 What about taking care of your emotional well-being? Maybe you have some bad habits that are holding you back and that you’d like to kick. It takes a big commitment to make such a total change in your life, but when that change is so positive, it’s worth taking the plunge. This programme isn’t designed to make you skinny at the expense of your health. It is a complete way of life that is designed from the ground up to be healthy and happy, inside and out. You won’t just be eating clean, you’ll also be living clean and this will help you manage every aspect of your life. Evidence shows that making simple changes to your eating habits such as switching to fresh produce and unprocessed options can not only help your waistline but also your general health and your mental wellbeing. 🥬 😊 Three weeks may not sound like a lot of time to make such a huge change, but you are going to be learning so much that you can expect to see a profound difference in your day-to-day life. This programme is based on three core pillars: 1. Food is the core 2. Soul is the groundwork 3. Mind is the overhaul By focusing on these pillars, the programme will help you to develop your mindfulness, self-care and a total reset of your body, mind and soul. 📚 This programme includes the following materials: 📚 - 4 weekly E-books - A bonus guide for lasting rituals to help you take your journey forward beyond the initial 21 days - A 21-day goal-oriented calendar - A personal food diary - 2 recipe guides (omnivore and vegan versions) - Suggested meals and shopping lists for 21 Days (omnivore and vegan versions) - 7 Helpful Handouts - A welcome letter - Personal email support for self-study clients and 1:1 clients - 3 face-to-face nutrition consultations Sign up today to get the guidance and support you need to bring about some meaningful changes in your life 💜


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