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Learn how to boost your nutrition with these free resources.

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3 Day Juice Cleanse
Learn the safe and healthy way to perform a detoxifying juice cleanse with this simple 3-day programme. Perfect for getting back on track after a period of excess.

Your Ultimate Guide to
Healthy Eating & Keeping Fit
Welcome to your comprehensive resource for fostering a lifelong relationship with food and exercise that celebrates the very best version of you. This guide will help you build a balanced and sustainable approach that transcends short-term fixes.

1 Week Detox
Have you heard about detoxing but aren’t sure exactly what it is, or whether it might be for you? Many of my clients tell me that they would like to clear their body of toxins but aren’t really sure where to start. With this in mind, I have prepared this free, colourful guide with everything you need to know about detoxing and a 1-week programme that will help you on your way to a healthier happier you..

20 Amazing Salads
It’s time to switch up your salads with these delicious recipes.

15 Delicious and Healthy BBQ Recipes
Planning a barbecue? Here are 15 delicious, healthy recipes that will wow your friends and family. Choose from fish, meat or salads!

Store Cupboard Essentials
A properly stocked store cupboard is essential for anyone thinking of beginning a healthy eating lifestyle. This guide takes you through everything that should be in (and out) of your cupboard.

Eat Well, Spend Less
Get clear on how much you are really spending on food & discover clever ways to fix it!

Healthy Breakfast Ideas
At the request of numerous clients, I have put together a book of my favourite breakfast recipes for your enjoyment. If you would like to eat a healthier breakfast but don’t know where to start…start here!

10 Secrets of Healthy Weight Loss
Weight loss is something that a lot of us struggle with. One of the worst things you can do for your health is to lose too much too fast. This can lead to a whole range of issues, as well as making it more likely that you will put it all back on. If you really want to lose weight the right way, here are some principles to get you started.

3 Day Fertility Detox
If you are struggling to fall pregnant, it is worth taking a look at your diet and lifestyle. This short detox combines healthy recipes with general lifestyle tips to get your pregnancy hormones back into sync.

Create a Home Retreat
For many, a spa day is the perfect way to relieve stress and feel special. Those hours of pure pampering are the ultimate indulgence, but when a spa trip doesn’t quite fit into your schedule (or your budget!), there are plenty of easy ways you can recreate a relaxing spa-like experience at home.

The Secret to Weight-loss in your 40s (and Beyond)
This free guide sheds some light on why we tend to put on weight more easily once we hit our 40’s and gives you a few pointers for shifting those extra pounds, no matter what age you are.

Endless Energy
Do you find yourself feeling sluggish and lazy mid-afternoon or do you feel just plain exhausted and tired for no apparent reason? Fortunately, there are easy and affordable ways to instantly shrug off tiredness and naturally raise your energy levels. Skip the extra cups of coffee and try these easy, natural ways to boost your energy levels.

A Complete Guide to Essential Oils
Essential oils have a wealth of uses and have grown in popularity over the last few years as the world has realised we need natural solutions to our everyday problems. Harness the power of essential oils for beauty, skin, health care, and wellness, and learn exactly how essential oils can support the immune system.

3 Day Grain-Free Cleanse
A grain-free lifestyle can help you to feel happier and more energised. It can also improve sleep, mood swings, bowel function, skin appearance and more. Download this guide and take grain-free for a 3-day test drive today!

24 Hour Reboot
This free taster programme is designed to help you learn healthier diet and lifestyle habits in just one day. What you are going to read is a snapshot of a clean and healthy lifestyle that will have you feeling more energetic and full of life than you thought possible.

The Sugar Solution
Are you worried about your family's sugar intake? This colourful guide offers some easy, practical tips that will help you to wean your loved ones off their sweet obsession.

11 Energy Boosting Tricks
Are you feeling low on energy? Follow these tips to get your energy back on track.

48 Hour Sugar Detox
Sugar is now widely recognised as public health enemy number one! Cutting out processed sugar from your diet will drastically reduce your chances of contracting numerous chronic health conditions. This 2-day programme will help you get started.

Wheatgrass - The Smoothie Superfood
Wheatgrass has become a popular dietary supplement and additive in juicing and smoothies due to it providing such a high concentration of vitamins and minerals and the resulting purported health benefits. This helpful guide gives some practical advice and recipes for making it a staple in your smoothies.

11 Steps to Support Immunity
Many people are wondering what steps they can take to strengthen their immune systems to help fight off viruses. This free eBook offers 11 simple changes you can make today to get your immunity into its best possible condition.

10 Guilt-Free Chocolate Treats
Most of us love to treat ourselves with chocolate from time to time, but that post-treat regret can really spoil our enjoyment. Many people don't realise that dark chocolate actually has a lot of health benefits. These recipes are guaranteed guilt-free so please enjoy at your pleasure!

Healthy Christmas Guide
Are you worried that your health is going to take a hit this Christmas? There are plenty of ways to keep a healthy balanced diet without compromising on festive spirit. This guide brings together some of my favourite healthier Christmas recipes for you to enjoy this Holiday season.

Natural Skin Care 101
Taking good care of your skin is essential on many levels. It will increase your confidence, ensure your skin is healthy for many years, help with healthy aging, and reduce dryness, irritation, and other effects of improper skincare. Read this free guide to learn all about natural skincare and how it can transform your skin.

7 Secrets to a Happy, Healthy Menopause
Menopause can be a time when a lot of women feel alone and unsupported, often not wanting to be a burden on those around them and be labelled as 'moaners' or 'complainers'. If this sounds familiar, or even if you have not yet reached this stage in your life but want to get an idea of what to expect, this short eBook is designed for you.
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