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Summer Salad

Struggle to get your 10 portions of fruit and vegetables every day? A big salad for lunch is a perfect way to pack in extra nutrition and hit your veg quota. Here is a favourite salad of mine. Please try it out and feel free to add your own flourishes. If you'd like to get some more ideas for achieving your daily nutrition target, please take a look at my recent article, 25 Tips to Get Your 10-a-Day.


  • One packet of organic mixed lettuce leaves;

  • One glass jar of tuna fish;

  • A few baby potatoes (boiled for 5-8 minutes until fork tender);

  • Half an avocado;

  • One celery stick;

  • One beetroot;

  • A few asparagus lightly steamed;

  • A handful of sugar snap peas;

  • Cucumber;

  • Red pepper;

  • Baby tomatoes;

  • Organic feta cheese;

  • A hard-boiled egg;

  • Two dates cut finely.


  1. Add ingredients to a glass bowl and mix;

  2. Serve with dressing of your choice.

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